This page provides general instructions and information on how to write your own Cookies Policy. As we cannot know in advance what your cookie practices are, you should not take this article as legal advice or suggestions on what you should actually do. If you need help and information on creating your own Cookies Policy, we recommend that you seek legal advice.
Basic Information About Cookie Policy
In some jurisdictions, you are required to notify your site visitors if your website tracks personal information using cookies or similar technologies. In these jurisdictions, local regulations typically require your website to clearly disclose what tracking tools (e.g., cookies, flash cookies, web beacons, etc.) it uses and what type of personal information these technologies collect. These policies also typically explain to website visitors what the website does with the information collected.
Third-party services that place cookies or use other tracking technologies through Wix’s services may have their own policies on how they collect and store information. Since these are external services, such practices are not covered by the Wix Privacy Policy.
To learn more about this, check out our article “ Cookies and Your Wix Site .”